What other categories do you think we need? I'm thinking of adding a project tag where people can share active projects and builds. Maybe a pinned thread for posting the latest completed builds, to help prevent too much clutter.

Sub tags are also possible, and I'll add those once the main tags get too cluttered. Though at this point I have no idea if this forum will actually go anywhere 😉

    JojoTheDancingBear Yes. There is a public files area that I need to fully configure, it will act as a central place for users to share files. For photos each user can upload them to their account and use them as needed. These are known as "Shared Media" and "My Media" respectively.

    Photo attached here from my media for reference.

    hoffmantactical I am new to this & wanted to ask a question.
    Do you have any preference for a 9mm bolt that will work well with the SS?
    Also,let me know if this is the wrong place to put this.

      Ramjet49 Best place would be to post things like this in the questions tag. But to the question, I don't know. I've not run an AR-9 with the Super Safety yet. In general removing or modifying the bolt core will probably be required.