Yukon Hey everyone, just wanted to share my findings with PVA mold release as a bed separation layer. TPU usually requires a separation layer with a glue stick on the bed, but I've always hated using a glue stick. It tends to gunk up and is hard to keep a smooth consistent coating. After experimenting with PVA mold release, the results have been promising. Removing the part cleanly removes the film, and all you need to do is add a drop of mold release over the previously printed area, spread it out with a brush, and heat the bed to dry. Unlike PVA glue, PVA mold release is in liquid form, so it self-levels for a smooth print surface. The water-soluble nature of PVA means a quick rinse in water is all that is needed for a clean finish. After removing part: Coating of PVA left behind on part surface: Part after giving it a quick rinse in water: