I noticed the super safety can only travel the regular length of travel a bolt carrier will normally cycle.
A dude on arfcom has put together some pretty great stuff on increasing bcg travel to really slow down cylic rates. Basically using rifle tubes, with increased travel BCGs, with rifle springs and carbine buffers. the website is https://c3junkie.com/?page_id=1403
This seems like the perfect combo for the super safety to make americanized RPKs that seem to be the trend right now. Unfortunately the super safety lever arm becomes the limiting factor on travel if used with this sort of system. Do you think anything could be done to allow increased travel of the lever to allow the BCG to travel another ~.6" farther rearwards?
Cuz having a super safety in an AR RPK that runs at sub 400 RPM without having the bcg and buffer bottoming out in the tube sounds like the dream