gnilreib At least the bolt catch with the LPK I got is hard to engage due to the thickness of the lower. Does anyone have a recommendation for a cheap bolt catch where the bottom part of the lever sticks out far enough to be easier to push in? Something like this might work better? 
gnilreib My concern with the one pictured is that the wings on the bottom would hit the lower. I just want one that sticks out a long way. What is everyone else using?
gnilreib hoffmantactical This one? I tried and failed to find any profile pictures of it so yesterday I ordered the Strike Industries AR-10 Enhanced Bolt Catch which looked like it stuck out the farthest. If that doesn't work, I'll get the KAK.
gnilreib Got the Strike one, but as a I feared, the wing on the bottom was too wide, so I ground off one side of it, and now it works great. Huge improvement over the "milspec" one.